About Backyard Birding

What to Expect by Month

March: March can be a lot like October in that the birding can be a little hit or miss. The weather can warm up feeling like spring is here, then the next week be freezing cold again. I believe the changing weather has a lot to do with the amount of bird activity. That said I’ve gotten some of my favorite photos in March. Early blooming plants like Forsythia, Redbuds and wisteria and some nice colors to the perches. Backgrounds are starting to green up but still have areas of cool gray winter colors making for a nice contrast.

April & May: This is by far the most active time. Late March through mid April is prime time to see spring migrating warblers. We do get some spring migrating warblers but not near the numbers we get during fall migration. By April many birds are sitting on eggs or already have young chicks to feed. Frequent trips to the feeding stations are the norm. Everyone is busy feeding their young. By late April to early May the first fledglings start finding their way into the feeding area. Fledgling bluebirds being fed is a favorite time at The Nut House.

June, July & August: By mid-June the weather gets really hot. While birds are still active they also start molting and generally are not very photogenic. Also, there is plenty of natural food available at this time of year. We cut back on feeding as the birds have plenty to eat. We don’t sit much in the blinds during July or August. By August we have our largest number of hummingbirds and butterflies. We set up a multi flash station for hummingbirds and enjoy photographing butterflies in the wildflower meadow and perennial garden.

September & October: By the first of September fall warbler migration will start and I’m back sitting in the blinds. Majority of the regular birds at this time are molting and generally not looking their best. So we are pretty much just sitting and hoping for a migrating warbler to show up. By the first of October the regular birds are looking good again and fall warbler migration is really kicking in. We usually have a good opportunity to see migrating warblers the whole month of October. However, October can be hit or miss with the amount of bird activity. Like March the weather in October can be hot one day then cold the next. I believe this changing weather has a lot to do with the amount of activity. Also there is still a lot of natural food available at this time of year. Meaning the birds have other options than our food offerings. That said, late September and October is my favorite time to be in the blinds. I love seeing the migrating warblers and you just never know what you might see.

November, December, January & February: I don’t usually offer sessions in November or December. Plenty of birds here but just our regular winter birds. I kind of just take some time off and enjoy the holiday season. January and February are our coldest months. Natural food sources are running low and birds readily come to the feeding stations. I’m always hopeful for some natural snow. The birds go crazy for seed and suet on snow days. If it’s cold enough I’ll break out my snow making machine and blow some snow onto the perches. Our regular birds are plentiful in January and February and looking their best all puffed up in their winter plumage.

Birds Seen and Photographed from The Nut House

American Goldfinch
House Finch
Pine Sisikin
Dark-eyed Junco
Eastern Towhee
Pine Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Orange-crowned Warbler
Palm Warbler
Common Grackle
Brown-headed Cowbird
Northern Cardinal
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
White-throated Sparrow
Chipping Sparrow
Brown Thrasher
Cedar Waxwing
Carolina Wren
House Wren
American Crow
Blue Jay
Northern Flicker
Eastern Bluebird
Tufted Titmouse
Carolina Chickadee
Brown-headed Nuthatch
White-breasted Nuthatch
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Grey Catbird
Northern Mockingbird
American Robin
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Mourning Dove
American Redstart
Coopers Hawk
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Worm-eating Warbler
Hairy Woodpecker
Swainson’s Thrush
Cape May Warbler
Tennessee Warbler
Northern Parula
Black-throated Green Warbler
Yellow Warbler
Magnolia Warbler
Black and White Warbler
Red-breasted Nuthatch
Ruby-throated Hummingbird

Other Visitors

Grey Squirrel 
Eastern Chipmunk
Eastern Cottontail Rabbit